Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Family Pictures

Well my wonderful sister in law came through for us again! She took some amazing pictures of us while we were in Stillwater! This is all in about a matter of 30 minutes because of Aidan's attention span!!!


Okay so I know I am way behind, but this teaching kindergarten adn having a 1 year old is wearing me OUT!! By 8:30 (at the latest) I am ready for BED!!! SO, here are a few pictures of the past few weeks! Aidan is a mess but I sure do love him!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Brushing TEETH

Aidan's new favortie thing to do is to brush his teeth! He gets my toothbrush out every morning or evening and walks around the house with it and teh toothpaste in his hand! So, I decided to give him one of his own and boy did he have a BALL!!!


Well, once I returned from my trip from Memphis for our family reunion my mind was in "SCHOOL" mode! I kept telling myself that I would get around to posting but with this, his scrapbook, and facebook I have just fallen so far behind! I am going to post the most recent pictures from this past weekend of us at Lake Eufaula! We had a great weekend with some amazing friends minus the fact that Aidan woke up sick on Sunday morning and got everyone else sick too!

Tuesday, June 30, 2009


Instead of marathon blogging I am just going to post pictures of what has been going on! Aidan and I went to Memphis about 2 weeks ago and had an amazing time! We were on the go from the time we got there until the time we got back home! Aidan does not do very well sleeping ANYWHERE but his own bed so i spent about an hour each night trying to get him to go to sleep!
We have taken his last night time bottle away from him adn it makes me so sad to know that he is no longer a BABY!!! I just can't believe how fast it has gone by! He is the joy of Tim and I's life and we just feel more and more blessed each day to have Aidan! Every one has told me that you will ove each step of thier life a little more than the last and with me being "baby" person I didn't think that was true but I was proved wrong! I just love each step of his life a little more! Watching him grow and learn to communicate is so fun! Well here are a few pics from the trip and snapshots from around the house!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Zoo Play Date

Our first play date was yesterday since we are now out of school. All of our firends loaded up and met at the Tulsa Zoo! We had such a great time and the kids were able to see some animals! Then, we ended the day with a fun picnic! Of course this was Aidan's favortie part of the whole day!