Saturday, March 28, 2009


Sorry it has been so long since I have posted but MAN I just kept on forgetting and spare time isn't often when you ahev a 11 month old who is in to everything! So, the ONE MAJOR perk to being a teacher is getting SPRING BREAK! So, Aidan and I suited and headed to Memphis! The ride was to be expected! Six hours for anyone is a LONG time! While we were there, we had a blast! We met up with my 4 best friends for lunch...all at the same place! BOY was that an experience. I must say the frist 30 minutes were fantastic but the last 30 were quite hysterical (at least to us)! And you might ask "why does your child have NO clothes on?" Well, that must be a lesson learned to ANY waiter!! NEVER put a full glass of Diet Coke in front of a baby!!! yes, he dumped it into his lap and his clothes were SOPPING wet! Although any great mother would have had an extra change of clothes with her! NOT ME! Aidan and I had a plan all along though because MawMaw ended up buying him a new outfit!!! Also while we were there Aidan was just spoiled! He loved pulling all of the silverware out of the dishwasher, looking at the fishies, visiting his Mamaw who is is a nursing home, adnjust being the center of attention for a total of 5 days! We ate out entirely too much but you just can't beat Wolf River Cafe 3 nights in a row!!! It was delicious and miss that place so much! Thanks Mom and Dad for being such great hosts! We love you!!!

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